Ready to Run Strategic Planning Retreats
…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…
Hebrews 12:1
What race has God marked out for you? Do you need a strategy, a "track to run on?" Then join us for Ready to Run!
Ready to Run is your time to explore what God is up to in your life and career, and how He wants to work in you and through you over the course of the next year. Through guided prayer, look at where you have been in 2017, where you are now, and where you are going. You will map out a strategic plan for the coming year in who to influence, what to accomplish, how to grow, and what to gain. Utilizing strategic prayer, you will have the opportunity to move forward with a clear focus on how God is calling you to invest your time.
We won't just talk about how to plan; we will get out our calendars and do the work of mapping out a strategy for the coming year. And we will do it prayerfully, seeking God's answers to what He wants to accomplish in us and through us.
Check the events calendar for the next scheduled Ready to Run Strategic Planning Retreat; or Contact us to schedule one for your team.
God knows the plans he has for us, and that they are good plans. Let's take the time to meet with Him and let Him show us what those plans are. Let's get Ready to Run!
Every Christian small business owner should make this Ready to Run retreat part of their business plan.
Pam Lindeman, the IEP Advocate
Running the Race Quarterly Check-ins
All of us need some occasional encouraging accountability to stick to the plan. Once you have your annual strategic plan, it's important to actually work the plan. Quarterly check-ins guide you to review your strategic plans, assess your progress and make any adjustments necessary to keep moving toward your goals.
Check the events calendar for the next scheduled Running the Race Quarterly Check-in; or Contact us to schedule one for your team.